EN – Data Governance

Data Governance

Effective data governance is key to ensuring reliable information and meeting security and privacy requirements

para garantizar la información fiable y cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad y privacidad

Reliable and business-useful data

The lack of control over data in organizations makes the information unreliable and it is no longer useful.

One of the current concerns is data in the cloud that forces the company to protect the privacy of its customers in order to maintain their trust.

Effective monitoring of the trace and movement of data is key to controlling what happens in each business and ensuring its performance.


Data governance features

Good cloud data governance should include:

  • Data accountability: Identify who is responsible for each of the functions of your data and know who is the owner of each data, ensuring that each data gives you the information that corresponds.
  • Data quality: It is important to have quality data to comply with current legislation and to have a real view of the information. It provides the user with the ability to find what they are looking for and check the level of quality of the information.
  • Traceability, lineage and impact analysis: You will be able to trace information processes while minimizing risks. Measure the value that data management brings to your business with reliable information.
  • Information catalog: Define each piece of data, know what each piece of data is.

The benefits of Data Governance

  • Improve your organization’s competitiveness and monitor your customer’s experience by controlling the status of your data.
  • Your company’s information will be traceable and of high quality and will have correct data. Through the trace left by each action you will be able to solve possible errors.
  • Grow as much as you need with modular tools in the cloud that allow the scalability of your business and provide it with Agile technologies. Automate manual tasks and save time in managing your data.

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